Currently the diagnosis portion of someone’s chart is very clunky and rigid. I would like the following:
  1. When I choose diagnoses for a particular visit to have a list of prior diagnoses the patient has been given in PQ and to be able to select/check which of those diagnoses I want associated with that visit. And then add any new diagnoses if applicable. This eliminates redundant diagnosis codes in the patient’s “master” diagnosis list.
  2. To rearrange the order of the diagnoses within the visit note. Right now you can only do this by rearranging the full list of diagnoses under the patient’s diagnosis tab in their chart. Some visits the focus is going to be more on a particular issue vs another, which can vary per visit (or practitioner), and should be reflected in the order of the diagnoses.
  3. The claim that is created from a particular visit ONLY pull diagnosis codes that have been associated with that specific visit. Currently ALL of a patient’s diagnoses populate into a claim, which means lots of editing claims and possible errors if a code remains on a claim that is not pertinent to the visit.
As a solo practitioner who sees people with a combination of multiple chronic conditions with a peppering of acute issues I am having serious limitations with they way diagnoses are managed in PQ, I can’t imagine how challenging this is for multidisciplinary clinic.
These existing feature requests in PQ touches on some of my asks, but not all:
The above (#3) request addresses my issue with all the dx codes populating in a claim. I think my suggestion solves this issue an ideal way because no codes would need to be deleted if it pulled the codes from the visit note.