right click patient account from SOAP note into new tab
under review
Francesca Pascale
This helps so much to keep tabs organized, so I don't have to keep opening a new tab to go back to Bookings. Instead I can keep one tab open for Bookings, and from that page I can open up each patient's chart. This makes it easier for me to complete my chart notes and billing at the end of each shift. It also makes it easier to open tabs when I need to refer from a patient's document (such as a questionnaire or a referral) to the patient's current SOAP note.
Francesca Pascale
Thank you!!! Yes, it is there now! It wasn't there before. I'm glad! The right-click feature is there from both the patient's chart and the patient's appointment dialogue in Bookings. THANK YOU!!!!
Tyson Edwards
under review
Tyson Edwards
Do you mean this one? It works for me.