In the course of managing appointments, rescheduling is a common occurrence. However, our current software doesn't provide a straightforward and efficient method for this essential task.
Current Challenge:
To properly track a rescheduled appointment, the current system demands the following steps:
1. Click the "cancel" button within the appointment popup.
2. Opt for "rescheduled".
3. Manually set up a fresh appointment with the new date/time.
4. Manually transfer any notes linked to the original appointment.
This procedure is not only tedious and time-intensive but also susceptible to mistakes. While we can adjust the date/time directly in the appointment popup, it merely updates the appointment rather than marking the old appointment as "RESCHEDULED" and creating a new one. It's crucial for us to have visibility into which appointments have been rescheduled and, ideally, on the newly rescheduled appointment, when the original appointment was set.
Proposed Enhancements:
Direct Reschedule Button: Incorporate a "Reschedule" button within the appointment popup. This feature should empower us to swiftly pick a new date/time, eliminating the need to cancel the original and set up a new appointment.
Rescheduling History in the Popup: Implement a system that maintains a log of all prior rescheduled appointments. This ensures transparency and a comprehensive record of all appointment modifications.
Seamless Note Transfer: On rescheduling an appointment, the software should intuitively transfer any notes from the original appointment to the newly scheduled one.
By introducing these enhancements, we can significantly improve our appointment management efficiency and ensure a more seamless experience.