please make it possible to have tabs open across the top of one intake q screen so that i can keep multiple clients open at a time.
Kathryn Baglini
sometimes i still need to send in a prescription or do something for a patient, so i would keep my note/chart open, and then see someone else, thus remembering to finish my notes on all these people, or easily able to click between them for being caught up. it feels impossible that everything has to be closed in order to look at my calender and to message someone. if the tabs could stay open for multiple patients across the top while i respond to a message or see someone else or look at my calendar, it would be TREMENDOUSLY helpful. it's killing me not having that like we did w/our old system. thanks!
Avigail Spetner
Please allow 2 different tabs in different clinician's calendars!!
Rhianna Candido
Please work on this feature!! Needing multiple browser tabs open is the thing I like the least about this system. It wastes time to click through the open tabs to find the page I want and feels more difficult to complete small tasks between appointments.
Rob Horn
I use multiple tabs of PQ daily. If you just right-click on a link (like from the appointment pop-up or in the messaging pop-up) and "Open in new tab", you can have as many tabs open as you like. And once a tab is open, you use it to go elsewhere in PQ, if you want.
I always have a tab open for the calendar, one for messaging, and a few open to patient charts.
That said, there are some minor annoyances - the login credentials for different tabs expire at different times, so you may have to re-authenticate, but it will still be on the tab you left off on. Another annoyance is that the notification counters will fall out of sync and you'll have to refresh the tab occasionally to bring them back into sync. The last annoyance I can think of is that all the tabs will have the same name. There have been other requests for the tabs to have meaningful names, so your calendar tab would say "Calendar" or "Booking" and messaging would be "Messaging", but that request hasn't been acted on.
The Charmed Intake Team
Rob Horn if you have multiple providers you cannot have multiple tabs open for multiple providers. It only allows you to have tabs open under one providers page which is hard for intake scheduling etc.
Rob Horn
The Charmed Intake Team Ah! I didn't catch the part about multiple providers.
In that case, a workaround is to either use a different browser for each provider (Chrome for Provider 1, Firefox for Provider 2, Edge for Provider 3, etc) or to set up profiles in the browser, so each window is running its own instance of login cookies (and run multiple windows simultaneously). If you do the second method, you can set a background and profile icon to distinguish which window is which provider.
I have to do a mix of bot. For example, my Window1 is set with a cyan background color and fruit icon. Window2 is set with a taupe background and pencil icon. Window3 is a different browser. On Window1 and Window2, the profile icon is a badge on the taskbar icon, so I know which window I need to go to from the taskbar. When the browser is open, the browser window background color helps me differentiate which profile I'm in.
Here's some info about setting up profiles.