Open patient chart in a new window
Rachel Ward, MD
When on the calendar page, or on the Dashboard page, clicking on a patient's name (or questionnaire link, or to the messaging bubble, etc) should open that selection in a new tab--so you don't lose the original page you're working from. Also, PLEASE NAME THE TABS according to what's displayed--eg. IntakeQ Calendar (or Bookings, if you prefer), IntakeQ Dashboard, etc.
Linda Drozdowicz
This is not working for me. It does not open a new tab if I click on their name from the calendar. What am I doing wrong?
Tyson Edwards
These should all be complete now. Let me know if you see any others.
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards Sent Faxes does not currently link to profile, but would be a good addition.
When the ERA emails come through, you can click to open the invoice, but it dumps you randomly on the invoice page, there is no way to get to the chart from that invoice.
Notifications force you to the page, you cannot open in new tab.
Shared documents does not link.
Tyson Edwards
Cherie Blickenstaff: Thank you! We will need to look into these separately.
Jaime Duckett
Tyson Edwards I use Microsoft edge and I am only able to open the client profile, if I right click and indicate I want it in a new tab/window.
Meghna Joshi MD
Thanks! it is working now! you can right click on the name in calendar and open in a new tab!!
Rob Horn
Thanks for working on this!
In Messaging, while in a message, it would be helpful to be able to right click on the patient's name in the upper left corner and open that patient's profile in a new tab.
Clicking the name in messaging currently brings up a demographics pop-up with a link to "See Client Profile" and that "See Client Profile" can't be opened in a new tab. It's my opinion that the demographics pop-up has very little utility, other than providing the link to the profile. Maybe the name could just lead directly to the profile, and then a right click would allow opening the profile in a new tab?
Rob Horn
"See Client Profile" in the demographics popup now works with a right-click. Thanks!
Tyson Edwards
in progress
Tyson Edwards
Hi Rachel,
Dashboard page - All the widgets I tested do this. Is there a certain widget that does not for you?
Questionnaire Link: Where is this?
Tyson Edwards
Putting here too about the tab renaming.
If you are using Chrome, there are Chrome extensions that do this:
I use a browser named Arc and it lets you just double click the tab and rename it.
Rachel Ward, MD
Tyson Edwards I tried this with the Chrome extension, but the problem is that the Tab name doesn't update if I click on something within PracticeQ to get to another section--it will still say "Calendar" for example, if I click on a patient's name to get to their chart--unless I click the "refresh screen" icon next to the "home" icon in the Chrome browser... which isn't a practical solution. Too many clicks.
Tyson Edwards
All of the places you listed, I am able to open in a new tab. Can you please recheck and let me know which ones aren't working? We fixed the one on the appoint dialogue.
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards All of the ones listed in the original post go directly to the profile instead of opening in a new tab.
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards Tasks don't allow right click to open
Rachel Ward, MD
Tyson Edwards I just looked through quickly & it seems they are all working now...