Need Box 11b
under review
Francesca Pascale
There is no way to put information into Box 11b, which is where a workers compensation claim # is supposed to go. This means that I have to write it in by hand. For some work comp companies, claims can be submitted via email, and for those I have to print the form out, handwrite in Box 11b, and then scan and upload it. For how many patients I see each week, and that I do all my own billing, these extra steps are very time consuming and mentally tiresome. I'd really appreciate being able to add to Box 11b.
It would also be helpful if this box could be one of the Claim Defaults options. For me personally, I'd use that claim default to make sure the patient's claim # always goes into that box 11b.
Thank you!
Tina Koro (IntakeQ)
under review
Tina Koro (IntakeQ)
Tina Koro (IntakeQ)
Hi Francesca Pascale We are looking at this now. Apologies for the delay. We will get back to you.
Francesca Pascale
Tina Koro (IntakeQ)Thank you so much!
Francesca Pascale
Trying again. I can't be the only one who sees worker's compensation patients. I am still having to print out the claim, write the claim number into the Box11b, then scan, upload the claim to be able to have record of it. This is really painstaking to do, especially if we see a lot of work comp patients and do our own billing.
Francesca Pascale
I'm wondering if this has been looked at? Is there a way to configure the claim forms in Intake Q to be able to write in the claim numbers for workers compensation claims?