Flag for Expiring Credit Cards
Leslie Potter
We'd like to be able to be notified is a client's credit card is about to expire. In our old EHR, this was displayed on a Billing & Insurance dashboard for all clients across our practice. But perhaps an email can be sent? Or maybe a task is generated to send the client a credit card form to give us a new credit card?
Tina Koro (IntakeQ)
Available for PQPay integrations
The Flower Institute, LLC
Tina Koro (IntakeQ) How do we setup this integration?
Jeremy Ponds
Tina Koro (IntakeQ) I concur below - how do we set this up?
Dr. Catherine Shir
It would be helpful to also get a notification when a client deletes their credit card.
Tyson Edwards
Hello, we added a filter to not show new clients and then a way to dismiss the client from the list permanently or for 30 days. Please let me know if you see any issues here.
Mariia Berlad
Tyson Edwards: What criteria is the system using to filter new clients in this widget?
Tyson Edwards
Mariia Berlad: I believe it's just clients with no prior appointment.
Tracy Sisk
I just added it and have a message that no cards are expiring soon. Thank you for this!
Amanda Spriggs
I went to the Dashboard but don't have a "Edit Dashboard" or "Dashboard Library" option.
Tyson Edwards
Amanda Spriggs: This is not available for Admin accounts yet. Are you an admin-only account?
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards: Isn't admin the obvious one that would actually need this?
Tyson Edwards
For pQ Pay Customers Only. Our integration with our own processor allows us to pull this information directly while other processors do not have the ability to pull the info easily.
Hello everyone, we were able to create a new dashboard widget that will show you upcoming appointments where there is no card on file or the card on file will expire before the appointment date.
Note that this does include appointments where the client has not completed their form. If necessary, we can create a filter to not display these.
Can those of you using pQ Pay give this a shot?
To add:
- Go to your dashboard, click "Edit Dashboard"
- Click "Dashboard Library"
- The widget is the last in the list
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards: This looks awesome thanks!
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards: There are a couple that are randomly showing in the list as no card, but they have one, so I'm not sure why they are being flagged?
Separately we have a couple of clients we would never require a card for, so it would be helpful if there was a checkbox to always ignore that specific client in the list.
Is there a plan for this flag to be added to the profile or elsewhere in the site at some point?
It would be helpful if you could add an option to show cards that will expire within 2 weeks or 1 month, rather than just the next appointment, as some of our clients have several appointments per week and we'd need to constantly check this list.
Lactation Consultants of America
Tyson Edwards: I just tried the widget. It only displays on my individual account and not my admin dashboard so I won't be able to see the information for my whole practice? Is there something I am missing?
Tyson Edwards
Cherie Blickenstaff: please email me at hello+tyson@intakeq.com with the ones that are showing but have a card.
Griffith Jones
Ideally a new credit card form would be automatically sent to any patient with an expiring card within a set amount of months OR upon a failed charge.
It would be even better if all future appointments with that patient were automatically suspended and the patient was notified of this as well in the same automatically generated email.
Susan Forrester
Yes, and if it's valid or not!
Sonya Stalker
agree, it would be a time saver
Steve Geller
Yes, please! Currently we have to deal with the failed charge. It would be ideal if we could be proactive on this.
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