Enabling telehealth at the location level
Jessie Edwards
I'd love to be able to enable telehealth at the location level instead of the service level so that we don't have to create separate service listings. Our services list is incredibly cluttered with listings like this: "Individual Therapy - Virtual - 60 mins" "IT - Virtual - 90 mins" "IT - In person - 60 mins" "IT - In Person - 90 mins." And we have multiple service types so multiply this out by 4 services, say, and that's 16 listings. Would need to make it so the virtual appts have the appropriate modifier for insurance.
Linda Drozdowicz
Please fix this. I gave this feedback a while ago. The current system does not make any sense. We need to select our service and then choose within that box whether it is virtual or not and create a link if so.
AJ del Pino
I agree - this is incredibly frustrating, and I am forced to simplify the services section so I can duplicate each one with a telehealth option. This has flow on effects where i have to manually edit cpt codes etc because I am not specific enough in the service because of the duplication need.
Marwin Margolies
YESSS totally need this. I would love this. I created a telehealth location, so that way I can automatically tell by location but I still have to put the modifier in the billing every time, or create a billion services (doubling each item for telehealth).
Dave G
Agreed! We have all our therapists creating their own Google meet invites in their calendars manually because we have like 20 different services and it would be too confusing to duplicate them all.
Jennifer Hadley, MD, PhD
Yes please! This would also make it much easier to specify whether the appointment is telehealth or in-person via the reminder texts.