Appointment slot ALREADY FILLED Alert
Tyson Edwards
Yes, this will only show for recurring appts. We can look into ways for non-recurring.
Tyson Edwards
Tali Ganir
Tyson Edwards: is this only applicable for recurrent appts?
Emily DelConte
Tali Ganir: I have the same question
Aliccia Matteson
Tyson Edwards: This is still not working? I just had 2 staff book a patient at the same time and no pop up? Is it only going to pop up when doing a recurring appt?
Tyson Edwards
in progress
We can display overlaps when booking recurring appointments. Has anyone been using this yet?
You can enable this by going here:
Bookings > Booking Settings > Settings Tab > Recurring Appointments section
Cherie Blickenstaff
Tyson Edwards: When this was first rolled out we were unable to use this feature due to bug/error, but I just reenabled it and it's working nicely. Thanks team!
Susan Forrester
yes, that would be good
Dr. Elyse Quartini
It would help for practictioners to be able to see which slots are open on the calendar when booking so they can avoid gaps
Cherie Blickenstaff
Dr. Elyse Quartini: Beside the refresh button there is a little calendar with a plus or checkmark in it, I'm not sure if you are already using this, but it is helpful for finding available slots.
Emily DelConte
That would be a great help, this is a big problem and a basic function that all scheduling systems should have. That place this comes in to play for us the most is 2 admin staff trying to book the same slot, and when providers booking reoccurring appointments it would book right over. There should be a pop up alert