Additional Session Tracker
Tyson Edwards
Hello all, you can now multi-select certain services to track from the tracker so only those services will depreciate the count when they occur.
Kim Schemahorn
Tyson Edwards: Thanks, it looks like this will work great! I tested it with one of our most complex patient's and it's looking good so far. Thanks again!
Tyson Edwards
Tyson Edwards
Hello, we have updated some functionality here with the following updates:
- Ability to add up to 8 trackers
- Ability to add a note that’s viewable from the tracker
- Ability to set the color
- Task triggering options for whichever comes first, session total or end date.
Can you all check it out and let us know what you think?
Kim Schemahorn
Tyson Edwards: I've been testing this and I'm not sure it's working. Instead of being able to track 6 vestibular visits AND 8 cognitive rehab therapy visits it triggers the 6 vestibular visit tasks when 6 visits of any visit is completed. Example: Purple was for vestibular visits and the patient hasn't had any of those yet but it counted cognitive rehab therapy that she has had as vestibular therapy. Is there something I'm missing?
Tyson Edwards
Kim Schemahorn: can you send me a ticket with the client ID?
Tyson Edwards
Kim Schemahorn: You are right, the tracker isn't tied to the specific appt type so it doesn't know which is which. We can look at connecting a tracker with a specific service, would that help?
Kim Schemahorn
Tyson Edwards: Yes. We have several patient's that see the same provider for different services that we have to get auth for so being able to differentiate would be beneficial. Thank you for looking into this further.
Tyson Edwards
Kim Schemahorn: Would you want a tracker to be associated with more than one service? So being able to multiselect services?
Kim Schemahorn
Tyson Edwards: Yes, that would be great! Having a ability for it to be one service or multiples would help in a variety of situations.
Tyson Edwards
Kim Schemahorn: We will have the ability to track by service next week!
YES... so much this!
We need to be able to track multiple session types, resources, etc!
So long as we can set up for a task reminder to be sent based on the count, it shouldn't matter if there is one or 20 session trackers set up.