1. ‘Last Session’ and ‘Next Session’ columns can be added to the Client list.
You can now see the date/time of the clients previous session and next scheduled session if you add the columns to the Appts List. If no session exists. It displays “None”.
Note: The ways these were pulled in does not allow them to be sorted or downloaded to the CSV.
2. Provide a Way to Auto-Charge Invoices Updated by the ERA
For claims, when the ERA comes back and updates an invoice with a patient balance, instead of auto-charging the client due to possible errors from the payer, we have added a new filter for this scenario on Lists > Claims > Appointments > Payments Filter. Users would be able to filter, select all and do a Bulk Action to auto-charge those clients.
3. Total Income Financial Reporting Widget for the Dashboard
This shows total income by practitioner on the dashboard.
4. Ability to Filter by ‘Tag’, ‘Note Status’ and ‘Billing Type’ on Claims > Appts
Further filtering can prevent billing errors. Now you can see all appts with unlocked notes so they know what to follow up with so they can submit claims.
5. Ability to Filter by ‘Tag’ and ‘Note Status’ on Claims > Create Claims
Now you can see all claims with locked notes so you know the claims is ready to be submitted.
6. Payer Overrides - Allow the same code with different modifiers
This allows for different modifiers to be applied to the same code as long as there is a different Place of Service. Helpful when you are using the same code but a different modifier depending on if it’s telehealth or in-office.
7. ‘Last Modified’ column added to the Lists > Appts CSV
This will give the date the appt was last updated which gives the date the appt was cancelled which wasn’t included previously in the CSV.